
        As both an artist and a student of the universe, I am captivated by the nuances of perception. I find solace in dissecting fragments of existence to reconcile my own being. Motivated by an innate desire to manifest goodness and beauty, I am compelled to create art and assist others in their creative processes.

        Aesthetically, my work pays homage to abstract expressionism and minimalism. I am instinctively drawn to the interplay of lines, vibrant hues, and shadows. As a conceptual artist, I prioritize the visual construction of my intended message over meticulous craftsmanship, whether it be a thought, phenomenon, or emotion. While my training encompasses various traditional mediums such as fine art drawing, printmaking, ceramics, and sculpture, I have predominantly focused on acrylic paintings and handmade artist books for the past eight years.

On a personal level, I find the most enjoyment and tranquility in spontaneously creating quick pieces devoid of premeditated intent.

     For works incorporating real-life scenes, I delve into obsessive rumination upon conceiving an idea. Only after crystallizing a mental image do I commence sketching. There often exists a resistance to overcome before the physical creation begins, and I find comfort only when a significant portion of the piece has materialized. During the process, uncertainty may cloud the direction, prompting me to set it aside temporarily. Ultimately, a piece's fruition hinges upon an ‘stroke of genius’. Ensuring its alignment with the original concept and achieving visual harmony and allure are my foremost priorities..

     My work draws influence from global living standards, justice, animal welfare, interpersonal dynamics, and music. My latest series, "Glimpse & Stare," juxtaposes and iterates scenes from my daily life in China. Blending figurative imagery with abstraction, I offer a playful yet contemplative portrayal of living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It is my aspiration that "Glimpse & Stare" ignites discussion about observation and what we chose to acknowledge versus ignore.